
Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day! Come Join Us for the Summer of Magic Blog Hop!

It's the Summer of Magic Blog Hop!
And I have a question for you.

Beach, Lake, or Pool?

Summer is the time when we get the chance to relax and catch up on our TBR piles. Or at least attempt to. If you had the opportunity to take a week off and do nothing but read, where would you go? To the beach, a lake, or beside the pool? And why?

Personally, since I live on the Texas Gulf coast, I prefer the beach. I have lived on a major Texas river and lake in the past, but never had a pool other than the blow-up kind when I was a kid. But there's something about the sound of the waves washing up on the sand, and the smell of salt that calls to me.

Comment below with your answer and reason why! I will be picking THREE winners. Each will get a $5 Amazon gift card AND one of my ebooks, winner's choice.

When you're done commenting, click this link here to go back to the main Here Be Magic blog to visit the next author in the hop!

International readers are warmly welcome to participate! 

Thank you, and good luck!
* * *
Now Available for Pre-Order!

The Rim of the World, Book 4
Sensuous Sci-Fi Romance
Word Count: 42K

On a half-world filled with danger and deception, the only thing keeping them sane and safe was their love.

They were no longer Terran and Seenecian. They were brothers-in-arms, fighting against a common foe.

With all new obstacles to face—a new climate, new enemies, and new personal issues for Kelen—the crew has their work cut out for them in this new territory. Already beaten down and broken, their food and water rations dwindling, and constant, non-stop attacks, it’s only a matter of time before they’re defeated.

In Neverwylde, you must learn to adapt. Protect those you love. But most importantly, be careful who, or what, you trust. 

Warning! Contains ice quakes, meat eaters, purple rooms, death, glowing stones, truth in advertising, dwindling supplies, and a catastrophe and separation that could end in disaster.


  1. Thank you for the chance to win :)

  2. I prefer a pool, because I like to be able to see what I'm getting into!

  3. Beach, with clear water or a pool. I can not bring myself to swim in water I can not see in

  4. Beach. I love the breeze by the sea & the sound of waves

  5. I would do the beach. My grandson is petrified of pools since his army popped on him but he loves body surfing in the ocean. And while he plays in the sand I can read.🎆🎆🎆🎆

  6. The beach. Gabby loves the beach and its so relaxing. My grandson loves to body serf the waves and I can read in peace once he is out of the water to find seashells.

  7. beach to read

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  8. I would definitely do the reading, but since the temperature here is going to hit 100+ this week, it would be done inside, where there is air conditioning!

  9. I enjoy going to the beach but will do with a pond , I don't mind a pool but sometimes it just seems to damage my hair.

  10. I'd go the Keys. Love it down there. Crystal clear water and beautiful beaches, plus great food for after all that reading.

  11. I love the beach, except when it gets crowded. I like the feel of the sand between my toes, picking up shells and sea smoothed glass, and listening to the waves sweeping the shore.

  12. Thanks so much for the chance! Have a great day!

  13. I love the beach the sound of the waves the breeze and plenty of sand for castles.

  14. I love sitting in a lounger under an umbrella on the beach.

  15. I'm a major fan of reading on the beach because I can read, cool off with a swim and check out the scenery!

  16. A lake is great - some shade and room for a boat.

  17. Everywhere I want to go I'd be too busy looking at the sights to read! If I could, I'd go back to when I was a teenager. We had this big comfy chair that sat in front of a big window. I used to sit and read for hours in that chair.

  18. Ever since I moved to North Carolina I enjoy going to the beach for a nice quiet read.

  19. I love the beach. You said you live on the Texas coast, where abouts? Galveston is my home away from home!! =) Thanks for the chance!!

  20. Hi! Happy 4th of July! Oh, i love the beach. Mostly because i can get shells and look for indian beads. :) Thank you!

  21. I love the pool and beach. Christina Gonzalez

  22. If I had a week off to do nothing but read.... and I had to pick one of those locations. I would go with the pool. Because I could lay in it or stand on the side and read without truly worrying about my book getting all wet. (Provided I am alone and no kiddos splashing me.)

  23. If I was given a week to do nothing but read and I had to pick one of those locations, I would pick the pool. I feel like I could be in the water without worrying too much about damaging the book (as long as there are not kiddos near me splashing around, lol).

  24. I would have to say the beach! I like the sound of the waves in the background!

  25. Definitely the beach! I love the sand and the ocean waves! :)

  26. Pool for the most part but I love the sound of waves and walking in the sand at the beach
    Thanks for the chance

  27. I am a beach person. Like you, except I hail from the sportman's paradise state of Louisiana. I've lived around the Gulf and many different bodies of water my entire life. A lot of our local bayous, lakes, or ponds are also home to alligators. I'm not keen to share my swimming hole with them. Oh no! For this reason, I choose the beaches of Florida. Beautiful, relaxing, and renewing. Nothing better than an early morning walk along the shore and an afternoon lounging on the beach with a great read. The waves are magnificently hypnotizing. I'm an Aquarius, the water bearer. I'm most happy when I'm near water, preferably the warm, blue-green waters of the Fla. Gulf Coast. 🐚⛱🎏🐬👙

  28. Well my first choice would be the beach! I find the beach to be so relaxing and beautiful...I have very fond memories of watching the waves and finding seashells at the beach. BUT if we are talking about swimming, I'll pick a pool every time. I prefer to swim without worrying about what else is in the water with me! :)

  29. Well my first choice would be the beach! I find the beach to be so relaxing and beautiful...I have very fond memories of watching the waves and finding seashells at the beach. BUT if we are talking about swimming, I'll pick a pool every time. I prefer to swim without worrying about what else is in the water with me! :)

  30. To the beach! I love the sea - it's smell, it's sound... So calming!

  31. I like to read anywhere that i can have peace and quiet!
    But for a week i would choose the beach,cause theres just something about the sound of the waves,the smell of salt water
    And the inner peace i get when im there.

  32. Pool and cleaner with no sharks.

  33. Pool and cleaner with no sharks.

  34. I love the beach- the smell of the salt water

  35. I love the beach even though I am no where close to one! My mom judst moved to Melbourne, FL and is only 2miles from the east coast beach! She always comes here to visit and I have decided I need to go there and spend the summer on the beach must reading!!!

  36. Beach but it's too far away. Love the river but am going to buy me a pool and it will be closer and convenient

  37. The Beach when the waves are crashing in. The sounds jaut help me relax and clear my mind and soul

  38. cheriegjohns66@yahoo.comJuly 7, 2016 at 12:57 PM

    Great giveaway.

  39. I would go to my son's pool, so if it gets too hot I can go in for a while and have access to cold drinks to keep hydrated!!

  40. I prefer the beach because I hardly ever get to go there, and there are good restaurants, too.

  41. Lake. It brings back great summer memories from my childhood. Also, there's more room to swim, and you don't have to worry about sharks, jellyfish, strong waves, etc. like you would at the beach. jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  42. A week off and nothing but reading! What to do!?! Well it would be a toss up of a cafe, my bed & the beach. Not necessarily in that order 😀

  43. I have a fear of large bodies of water, but I would love to relax on a beach one day.
    mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

  44. I have a fear of large bodies of water, but I would love to relax on a beach one day.
    mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

  45. Pool for me. I'm a chicken when it comes to water. I have to be able to see the bottom and what is swimming with

  46. Pool, definitely! I have very white skin and it acts like a magnet to the ocean critters. They think I'm a fish and want to take a bite.

  47. i prefer the pool. im not to keen on swimming with fish and other sea life. heavensent1988 at yahoo dot com

  48. CONGRATULATIONS to my 3 winners!

    Jo Patterson, Mary Evelyn, and Michele Gardner - please email me and let me know which ebook you want (epub, mobi, or PDF). I also need to know which email to send your $5 Amazon gift card to.

    Thank you to everyone who entered! I hope you had a great time, and I wish you a wonderful summer!
