
Monday, July 11, 2016

Come and Be a Part of the Science Fiction Romance Brigade Summer Blog Hop!


A half-world floating in space that shouldn't exist.

A world that looks like it's been sliced in half, with the other half missing or destroyed.

A world where temples sit on the rim of space. Where creatures now extinct once populated the interior and created massive caverns filled with strange devices and an endless array of tunnels leading from the surface to the planet's core.


Where the number three is god. And unknown life forms make survival a struggle.

There can be no future on this world, but when two ships crash land there, the survivors have no choice but to fight the odds.

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I am giving away a copy of Neverwylde, Book 4, and a $5 Amazon gift cards to 4 commenters. All you have to do is answer this question:

If you crash landed on an unknown planet, what would be your top priority?

Winners will be announced here on July 16th! Thanks and good luck!

Go to the rafflecopter linked here to enter to win the SFRB grand prize. COMMENT on this blog to win a copy of this book. Then, beneath that, click the link to go to the next blog!

* * *

Now available for pre-order!

The Rim of the World, Book 4
Sensuous Sci-Fi Romance
Word Count: 42.4K

$2.99 e

On a half-world filled with danger and deception, the only thing keeping them sane and safe was their love.

They were no longer Terran and Seenecian. They were brothers-in-arms, fighting against a common foe.

With all new obstacles to face—a new climate, new enemies, and new personal issues for Kelen—the crew has their work cut out for them in this new territory. Already beaten down and broken, their food and water rations dwindling, and constant, non-stop attacks, it’s only a matter of time before they’re defeated.

On Neverwylde, you must learn to adapt. Protect those you love. But most importantly, be careful who, or what, you trust. 

Warning! Contains ice quakes, meat eaters, purple rooms, death, glowing stones, truth in advertising, dwindling supplies, and a catastrophe and separation that could end in disaster.

Excerpt and buy links.


  1. Finding a safe place to shelter

  2. I think my top priority would be not dying, and whatever that entails!

  3. I love survival stories! Sounds like the first priority, assuming I'm in good health after the crash, would be to get as much information about the planet as possible. What can I use for shelter? What can I eat? Hmmm...yes, I think shelter first, then an inventory of what's left after the crash, then a search for what's edible. :)

  4. Mysterious world! I love survival stories. Pitch Black was a great movie for that reason. Ice quakes? Interesting...

  5. Hmmm. They say if you're in a plane crash in the desert - or if your car breaks down - the best thing to do is stay with the vehicle. If nothing else, it provides shelter, and it might attract intelligent locals.

  6. I suppose the bext things to do is find shelter, water,food and hopefully not savage natives!.

  7. Just love the name of Neverwyrld -- just the name alone makes you want to find out more!



  8. I love the name of your world -- Neverwyrld just makes you want to find out more!



  9. Guess water, food and shelter in that order would be my top priority.

    Although I like the comment, "Stay Alive!." That says it all.

  10. Not dying, then finding the nearest city.

  11. What a great concept! I love the idea of a planet sliced in half! What would I do if I crashed landed? Man, I hope I wouldn't survive. I have no skills at all. LOL

  12. shelter

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  13. My top priority would definitely be shelter and food. After that, anything is possible.

  14. I guess it would have to be water.

  15. I think I'd have to say in food and water. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Congratulations to the following 4 people! You've won an ecopy of NEVERWYLDE, Bk. 4 (or any one of my books, your choice) AND a $5 Amazon gift card! Just email me at Linda at LindaMooney dot com, or PM me with the name of the book you want, what format (Epub, Mobi, or PDF), and what email addy to send your gift card to.

    Book Attict
    Shirley Ann

    Thanks to all who commented!
