
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Yes, I Caved

I don't watch much television, but my husband does. One evening, he was watching SHARK TANK, and they were doing a segment on Mistobox. It's a coffee-per-month subscription service that's just now celebrating four years.
Intrigued, I went online and checked it out. Since I'm a huge coffee fanatic, I thought I'd try the one month sub. You get to customize your preferences, btw.
Within a week, I got my first 12 oz. bag - Papua New Guinea Aiyura. I've never heard of the blend, from it's from Equator Coffees and Teas, and it had this description:
The Papua New Guinea Aiyura was carefully roasted for you by Equator Coffees & Teas. This fully washed coffee was sourced from the growing region of Aiyura in Papua New Guinea and was produced by the various small holder producers at 1,500 meters. This coffee is perfect for brewing as drip to enjoy the mellow, balanced cup with notes of milk chocolate and orange.

OH. MY. GOSH. That stuff is terrific! Simply put, I put in for a year's subscription. Each shipment costs $15.19, which includes shipping.

I can't wait to see what comes next month in the mail.

So if you're a coffee connoisseur...

Note: The coffee is shipped whole bean.

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