
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Today's My Birthday!

Today's My Birthday!

And to celebrate, I'm giving away FIVE Amazon gift cards with FIVE ebooks!

All you have to do is comment below and tell me:

1. Which of my books is your favorite. And which one you'd like to win.

2. IF YOU HAVEN'T read any of my books, tell me which one you'd like to win.

International readers are welcome!

I will announce on my blog here and on Facebook who my five winners are on Monday, April 4th!


  1. I loved Captive Surrender, it's one of my favorites. I would like to read The battle Lord's Lady.
    Happy Birthday, and thanks for the opportunity!

  2. Happy Birthday Linda and best wishes for many more. My favorite books are the Battle Lord Saga. I would like to win I'm Not Ehrynn Rose which I haven't read yet.

  3. Happy Bday! Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with loved ones.
    I've not read your books before but I would love to read any of your SF Romances

  4. Happy belated birthday :)
    I really love your Battle Lord Saga. So if I were to win I would have to pick The Battle Lord's Lady. Thanks for the chance.
