
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Welcome to the Favorite Heroines Giveaway Hop!


When people ask me, out of all the books I've written, who my favorite heroine is of all time, I don't have to think twice. The answer is as easy as the graphic at the top of this page.

Atrilan "Atty" D'Jacques, my Mutah warrior Battle Lady of Alta Novis.

Wife of Battle Lord Yulen D'Jacques, she has withstood untold dangers. Yet her fierceness and love for her husband has helped her to survive the worst that the world can throw at her in a post-apocalyptic future 300 years from now.

In my Battle Lord saga, she is unequaled with a bow. She's also skilled with a knife, and with almost any other weapon she comes across. But I believe it's her sass, her compassion, and her determination to be seen as an equal among the Normals that endears me to her.

If you haven't had the chance to meet and get to know Atty, you can find out more about her here.

And as such....
I'm giving away THREE $5 Amazon gift cards!
All you have to do is answer the following question by commenting below. 
International readers, I would love to have you comment, too! Winners will be posted here and notified via email, so be sure to add your email addy when you post!

Question: If you've read any of my Battle Lord books, which one was your favorite, and a brief explanation why. If you haven't read any of those books, which one would you like to read, and a brief explanation why. Because I'm also picking three readers to get an ecopy of that book!

Thanks for coming by, and good luck!


  1. Battle Lord's Lady, Book 1, hands down, because I reread this book every couple of month's. I love Atty and Yulen's story!! I love the whole series and really hate it when they are in peril. You should be glad that you aren't in the room when there are curse words flying as I read. But the first book is my absolute favorite because it is when I first got to know them. They are one of my favorite book couples.

  2. I've not read any of the Battle Lord saga so I'd love to start with book 1. A sci-fi is always a good choice for me, that's why I'd love to read authors' imagination of the future.

  3. I've not yet read any of them,, but they sound interesting. So I would like to start with The battle Lord's Lady.

  4. I've not read any of them, but I'd like to start with The Battle Lord's Lady. And you know I've been craving a good sci-fi romance lately too! Coincidental there!

  5. Now that I am retired, I have time to make Atty's acquaintance. I am looking forward to comparing her with AEquana. Very happy for your success, Linda.

  6. Haven't read the books yet, so I'd like to start with the first in the series - THE BATTLE LORD'S LADY. Thank you!

  7. I have not had the chance to read any of your books yet so I would love to start with the Battle Lord's Lady.

  8. I haven't read your books yet but i would love to discover one of them :)

  9. the battle lord's lady for the characters

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  10. Hi, everyone! Thank you for your comments. But remember, in order to win, you MUST INCLUDE AN EMAIL ADDRESS so I can notify you! So far, only 3 of you have done so! Thanks!

  11. I have not yet read any of the Battle Lord series, but it sounds fascinating. I would love to win a copy of The Battle Lord's Lady. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  12. Hi Linda, I love sexy sci-fi romances! The ones that look like my cu of tea are Heartfast and Jebaral, they have story lines that I usually enjoy. Thanks for the chance to win so many prizes!

  13. Hello! I haven't read your work yet, but they look great! I would definitely start with the first. I have to start at what was the first even with stand alone series, then I work my way through.


  14. I haven't read any of your books yet, and I always prefer to start with the first book in the series, so I'd choose book 1.

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  15. I have not read your titles, but I certainly enjoyed reading the blurbs and particularly the warnings for the Battle Lord series. Thanks for the giveaway!

    elewkf1 at yahoo dot com

  16. I'd like to read Battle Lord's Lady because it is the first in the series, and it's where they fall in love.
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  17. I haven't read any of the books yet so I would pick The Battle Lord's Lady since it's the beginning of the series.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  18. I haven't read the books yet, but they sound intriguing. I eoyld like to read The Battle Lord's Lady.
    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  19. Just letting everyone know I'll be announcing my six winners on the 25th! So if you're international, you have just a few hours left to enter!

    Good luck! And thanks!


    The following people will be getting a $5 Amazon gift card via email:
    Tanya Guthrie
    Nat Reading Romances

    The following people will be getting an ecopy of THE BATTLE LORD'S LADY. Be on the lookout for an email asking what version you'd prefer:

    Selenity Jade

    Thanks again to everyone who commented! You're welcome to visit my website and join my newsletter. There's more to come and goodies to be won!

  21. You're welcome, ELF and Tanya! :D
