
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Please Welcome Sarah J Pepper as She Hijacks My Blog for the Day


Sarah J Pepper is in the middle of her TWISTED FAIRY TALE CONFESSIONS tour, and you can enter here for a chance at winning a Kindle Fire HD7, plus scads of other goodies!

In the meantime, here's an excerpt to give you a taste of Locks: Rapunzel Unhinged.

Excerpt from Locks: Rapunzel Unhinged "Mr. Tall, Dark and Deadly beckoned me like he was a manifestation ripped from my fantasies. A girl in my position shouldn’t have appreciated the ripped stature of his torso, the curvatures of his arms or how his black shirt stretched over his broad chest. The way he filled out his pants surely teased everyone who had an x-chromosome. R-rated thoughts played over and over in my mind. If he hadn’t been sent to kill me, I might have made a move.

Nevertheless, after a solid minute of not blinking, our provocative staring contest started to freak me out. His gaze was hypnotic yet startling. His intelligence was glaringly obvious, but so was his noxious disposition. It was damn unsettling and the standoff had to end sometime. Therefore, I faced my impending doom by walking into the glow of the street light. As soon as the light hit my face, the wind picked up. I shivered. Taryn’s presence swirled around me like she was an element of the sky instead of a sorceress who could control it. Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself she was miles away.

I cleared my throat so that my voice wouldn’t crack. “I’d rather die than be her prisoner.” 

He smirked. The smile almost reached his eyes. “That’s your choice, Rapunzel,” he said, just before he pulled the trigger."

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