
Monday, May 11, 2015

Helen Henderson Returns as My Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio!

I'm thrilled to announce that Helen Henderson returns tonight as my guest author on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio. She'll be reading from her fantasy romance, Hatchlings Curse, Book Two of The Dragshi Chronicles.

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct

You don't want to miss it!

* * *
Lord Branin Llewlyn is a dragshi, a human who can exchange bodies with a dragon. After millennia of waiting...and searching, Branin and his dragon counterpart, Llewlyn, have found their intended mates.

For the dragshi, the freedom of flight comes with a price. Now Branin has to find a cure for the childlessness of his kind. Cryptic references to mating flights add hope, but dark references about the deaths of suitors threatens not only his life, but the dreams of all dragon shifters.

To save his kind he has to win the mating flight. And the cost? 
All he treasures. Throwing the competition is not an option.

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