
Monday, April 27, 2015

Desiree Morrow, AKA Desy Smith, is My Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

If you love YA paranormal romances, then you don't want to miss tonight's episode of "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio. Desiree Morrow, AKA Desy Smith, is my guest author, and she'll be reading from her new release, The Talented.

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct
Come join us!

At age 17, Carmel founds herself in a mental institution thanks to an ice dagger, and a woman who apparently isn't human.  After being rescued and arriving at the H.o.T, House of Talents.  A house where no one is entirely human. She learns that she's Talented and has the ability to control Water and Ice.

At the H.o.T, Carmel learns to control her Talent, makes new friends, a few enemies, and begins to fall head over heels for a handsome guy. Who has a few secrets of his own. Carmel begins to realize that many people want her dead because of who she is.  However she has no idea why. Can she figure it out or will she die. Look inside to find out.

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