
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Welcome to the Paranormal Romance HOWLOWEEN Blog Hop!

Welcome to the Paranormal Romance HOWLOWEEN Blog Hop! 

From now until Saturday, November 1st, I'm asking a simple question. All you have to do is comment below with your answer (and don't forget to include you email addy so I can get in touch with you if you win!). I will be choosing 2 winners, each of whom will receive their choice of any one of my ebooks AND a $5 Amazon gift card! That's a two-fer! Winners will be announced on Monday the 3rd.

Here's my question:

In the paranormal romance genre, there are shifters, weres, ghosts, demons, and vamps, among others. Which do you prefer to read, and why?

Check out who else is participating!

And don't forget to enter for the grand prize!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I like vampires and wolfs it is very exciting to read,

  2. My top two (since I consider shifters and weres the same) would be shifters and vamps. Vampires were pretty much the focus of all PNRs when I first started reading them so it's a hold over from then. Now there are so many shifter/were PNRs that I've warmed up to them. As a hero, they are more appealing than vamps because of their body temps.

  3. Vampires are my favorite because i have always had a fascination with them since i was a young child. I always dreamed of being bitten and having eternal life. Email

  4. I like them all really! If I had to pick one I would say Vampires.

  5. oops forgot my email! faramena at gmail dot com

  6. Vampires!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  7. I like angels, since their experiences with human feelings can be touching.

    Trix, vitajex(at)Aol(Dot)com

  8. I love reading about vampires, fairies, and witches! prettylittlepages[at]gmail[dot]com

  9. Vampires are, and always have been, my favorite since I was very little. My mom was a fan of Dark SHadows in high school, and she passed that love onto me. When I was little we would stay up on Friday nights to watch whatever horror film was on,it was usually a vampire flick, and she taught me to pity the vamps, and eventually to love them. I love all of the others, but they are my faves.

  10. werewolves- more interesting

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  11. I like vampires and werewolves.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  12. My favorites are vampires! I've always been fascinated with vamps since I was little. I'm in love with the fangs. ;)

    Take care & I hope you have a great halloween!! =)
    BLeigh1130 at yahoo dot com

  13. I am a fan of both vamps and shifters....mostly because it is easier finding books that contain these characters....I am open to reading books featuring others but there is just something very ALPHA about vamps and shifters in comparison to other supernatural beings.

    susanmplatt AT Hotmail DOT com

  14. I like dragon shifters. There is just something so mysterious about them.

  15. i like demons and ghosts,, just more spooky then other types - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  16. Vampires, eternal life & sexy bites.

  17. I like reading books with werewolf shifters or dragon shifters. But love reading books about the Fallen Angels.
    leighannecrisp at yahoo dot com

  18. I love any kind, as long as the Hero is *rawr* and Alpha ..
    Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Halloween!

  19. I love vamps and angel. Vamps because they potentially live forever and angels written by Nalini Singh because they can fly and they can live forever and they are HOT :D

  20. forgot my email: alinutza4u2004[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk

  21. I tend to like the shifters the most. I really used to read just straight romance or mystery, but I started reading more of a variety and find now that shifters are the books that grab me the most.
    janicecrespo at gmail dot com

  22. I'm a ghosts and demons girl! lindseyloucks(at)outlook(dot)com

  23. Tiger shifters, and I'm not sure why other than I love shifters and tigers are my favorite animal :)


  24. My favorite are werewolfs. They have longer than human life. They can change a well. I would love to be able to run in the forest and not be afraid.

    Thanks for being in the Halloween blog hop.

  25. I like vampires best, because they're sexy and more inclined to be "tormented" heroes.
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  26. Vampires are my favorite, because they are so mysterious and sexy. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  27. I prefer to read a mixture of paranormals. The reason, I think, is because of all of the conflict between the different groups. :)
    trb0917 at gmail dot com
