
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Literary Addicts Book Hop - THE GIFTED

Each day during the Literary Addicts Book Hop, I will be highlighting a book from my backlist.

Don't forget to comment and leave your email address if you'd like to be eligible to win one of three $5 Amazon gift cards that I am giving away on Oct. 16th.

Also, go here to become eligible for the Grand Prize drawing!

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Today I am highlighting:
Book 1 of the Star Girl Series
A Sensuously Erotic Sci-Fi  Romance
ISBN 978-0-9859300-7-3
Word Count:  116K

After being banished from her own world because her people deeply feared the scope of her powers, an anomaly shoots Sah'Reena toward Earth and the one man in the universe meant to be her mate.

No one, least of all Dr. Robin Dickenson, expected what they discovered when they opened the alien craft captured by the space shuttle Liberty while on a routine space mission. But from the moment he first sees the star girl, Robin is captivated.

Near death, and never expecting to see anything again beyond the endless void of space, Sah'Reena isn't certain, at first, that her mind isn't playing tricks on her.  But the handsome face of the stranger she sees gives her hope for life when she'd thought all hope was gone. 

Warning!  Contains carbon dioxide poisoning, severe sleep deprivation, baked potatoes with crackers and honey, challenging authority, kosher cooking, dissolving aircraft, and an ability that could wipe out an entire planet.

1 comment:

  1. the potatoes sound good

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com
