
Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Literary Addicts Book Hop - THE FINAL PLEASURE

Each day during the Literary Addicts Book Hop, I will be highlighting a book from my backlist.

Don't forget to comment and leave your email address if you'd like to be eligible to win one of three $5 Amazon gift cards that I am giving away on Oct. 16th.

Also, go here to become eligible for the Grand Prize drawing!

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Today I am highlighting:
Sensuous Sci-Fi Romance Novel
Music And Press
ISBN: 978-0-9859300-3-5
Word Count: 54K

He fully expected to die, until he met a woman who gave him every reason to live.

Myka Tolbert is a Lady Lay. She is one of the few women on the maximum security prison moon who treats the condemned to their Final Pleasure, a last sexual fling, before they’re executed. In return, her sentence is shortened by one week. She hopes she lives long enough to earn her freedom.

A chance meeting between her and Webb gives the con more than a reason to live, but also the belief that he can escape Doora IV and his execution. But first, he has to figure out how, and then he has to find a way to bring along the woman who has managed to touch his heart.

They never foresaw all hell breaking loose before he could act.

Warning!  Contains expired food, exploding moons, land squatters, dirty dealings, fraudulent contracts, transparent walls, revenge, cold showers, a death board, pink jumpsuits, and life measured in ten minute intervals.

Click here for excerpt and buy links.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting type of female

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com
