
Monday, October 13, 2014

The Literary Addicts Book Hop - BREACHERS: Holt and McKenna

Each day during the Literary Addicts Book Hop, I will be highlighting a book from my backlist.

Don't forget to comment and leave your email address if you'd like to be eligible to win one of three $5 Amazon gift cards that I am giving away on Oct. 16th.

Also, go here to become eligible for the Grand Prize drawing!

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Today I am highlighting:

Holt and McKenna

Book 1
A Sensuously Erotic Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Romance
Music And Press
ISBN 978-1-4507-1947-6
Word Count: 28.1K

They are the cause of many legends, myths, and fairy tales. And they still live among us.

There are creatures from a parallel world called Breachers who, for hundreds of years, have been inadvertently pulled into our world. They are the truth behind the creatures normally considered to be mythic. Once on Earth, they cannot go back, and those who cannot cope become rabid. Murderers. And when they go berserk, they must be put down.

Jerrod Holt always wondered why he was selected to be part of the secret governmental organization. More perplexing is why his skills as a professional bodyguard are needed.

He discovers his partner assigned to help him bring down a Breacher is the one woman who had caught his eye the moment he saw her at their initial group meeting. Together, he and McKenna travel to Utah to confront a killer beast, not knowing that the terror will be all too real, and too damn close to home.

Warning: Contains bloody deaths, smart ass remarks, unbearable cold, a nightmare come to life, toe loss, rabbit farming, a search for the truth, and an unconditional love that defies all boundaries.


  1. Intriguing blurb.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  2. Interesting warnings

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com
