
Monday, October 6, 2014

The Literary Addicts Book Hop - BREACHERS, Book 2: Hawthorne and Marya

Each day during the Literary Addicts Book Hop, I will be highlighting a book from my backlist.

Don't forget to comment and leave your email address if you'd like to be eligible to win one of three $5 Amazon gift cards that I am giving away on Oct. 16th.

Also, go here to become eligible for the Grand Prize drawing!

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Today I am highlighting:

BREACHERS: Hawthorne and Marya
Book 2
A Sensuously Erotic Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
ISBN 978-1-4507-1948-3
Word Count: 32.4K

They are the cause of many legends, myths, and fairy tales. And they still live among us.

Arik Hawthorne prefers to be a loner. He has a dark secret to protect, and as a professional kick boxer, he's able to work off the wild energy that fills his life.

His whole world changes when he is partnered with Corinth Marya, and they are ordered to find and stop the creature that's  killing innocent people in New Mexico.

If going after the Breacher isn't bad enough, he finds himself seriously and dangerously attracted to the army lieutenant. There is no way he can let her find out about his real self, but neither can he deny the possibility that she may be his one and only chance at love and happiness.

They never foresee the danger that will threaten their lives, or the passion that will pose an even greater problem.

Dragons, anyone?

Warning! Contains unrelenting heat, calling for sex advice, invisible targets, hamburgers, pistol-packing, vengeful dirt, and hard and hot leathery love.

Click here for excerpt and buy links.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting setting

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com
