
Friday, September 19, 2014

Welcome to the Fall Into Romance Blog Hop!

Welcome! 'Tis Fall, and time to heat up the romance during the chilly days to come. 

I have a question for you. If you wish to answer with a comment, please be sure to leave a mailing addy. Each day I will choose one (or more!) responders with an ebook of their choice from my website!

Here's the question: Do you like stories that are specifically related to a holiday (ex: New Years, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, the Fourth of July, etc.), or do you prefer just one specific holiday, like Christmas?

Meanwhile, don't forget to visit all the other blogs  included in this hop. To get back to the original site, click here:

There's also a raffle going on for some great prizes! You can register here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for coming by, and good luck!


  1. I love Christmas but honestly my books don't have to be holiday related at all :)
    moonfairy521 at aol dot com

  2. for me it doesn't have to be holiday related in order for it to be a good read

  3. i like stories that are centered around Christmas and Halloween! They always help out plot lines a lot I think!!

  4. don't really read holiday themed books

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  5. I like stories that are holiday related but then I love all romance books. I think I prefer holiday centered movies rather than books. Books not centered around holidays are timeless!!

  6. I think that sometimes you narrow the book's shelf life, not sure how many people are in the mood to read about Halloween or Christmas in July.

  7. I like stories around any holiday. It doesn't have to been any certain one.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  8. Congratulations to my first set of commentators: Rhonda, Gail R, and laurie. Email me - Linda at LindaMooney dot com to claim your prize!

    Tomorrow I'll name the next set. Good luck!

  9. I love reading about all holidays,.. I don't mind them at all. =)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Take care & I hope you have a great day! =)
    BLeigh1130 at yahoo dot com

  10. Congratulations to my next set of winners: Kyra, Brandi, and kmcgrew213! Email me (Linda at LindaMooney dot com) to claim your prize!

    Tomorrow I'll announce the final winners!

    Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  11. I like Christmas stories.
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  12. I actually one year sought out books that would coordinate with the holiday at hand, ie: New Years, Valentines, St. Patrick Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. It really was fun too. Something about reading a story that is around that holiday helps put you in the holiday spirit!

  13. I don't have a holiday preference for my books. pjmillion (at) comcast (dot) net

  14. I don't mind if holidays are mentioned in books as long as the book doesnt revolve around the holiday.
    leighannecrisp at yahoo dot com

  15. Congratulations to my third set of winners: Redrabbit, Linda Kish, and melissa crisp. Email me (Linda at LindaMooney dot com) to claim your prize!

    Last group of winners will be announced tomorrow! Thanks for commenting, and good luck!

  16. Congratulations to my final set of winners: Pam and Sherry! Please contact me - Linda at LindaMooney dot com - to claim your prize!

    Thanks again to everyone for entering!
