
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Guest Author Dee Tenorio - Series Writing: Why Do I Do This To Myself?

Today I'm letting my friend Dee Tenorio take over my blog to tell you a little about herself, and about her newest release. Check it out!

Some folks just can't do things the "Easy" way. I'm accused of this often, particularly by short people who would rather give up blood than clean their rooms. I'm the kind of mom who goes to check if a room is clean and by clean I mean, is the crap actually off the floor? Does it smell like anything died? Is their laundry in the hamper and not straining to crawl out of the room on its sleeves or knees? In other words, I'm a sadist.

 What my kids don't know is that when it comes to my writing, I'm also a masochist. Yup, I do terrible things to myself. Like what, you ask? Well, here's the thing. I write series.


 I know. I ask all the time, whyyyyyyyyyyy do I do this to myself? I can't just write about a couple that falls in love and lives happily ever after. No, I have to write about the here's brother. And his sister. And his cousin. I have to write about his fricken' grandma, folks. Why?

 Because I just can't help myself.

 I like to create people, mess up their lives and then put them back together again, better than new. I like making people fricken' happy. And then I want to see them again. I want to peek in and see them being happy years later. I like to give them kids and see how they handle. But mostly, I'm just a nosy cow who wants to know everyone in my menagerie is doing okay.

 And then I need to do it again for the current couple. And then the next couple. And then the couple after that. It's a compulsion, I tell you. I should probably get some help. But Lord only knows what else a therapist might find on me.

 So, here I am, about to release book Five of my Rancho del Cielo Romance series with Samhain Publishing and I've managed to slip a series into an existing series. Yup, the last book (The Virgin's Revenge) starred a young woman named Amanda Jackman. She has six brothers. SIX. Do you see where this is headed? Yup, right to "Trust In Me", the emotional story of her eldest brother. Do you know where that book will be leading? If my editor has her way, to the next brother down. And if I have mine, it will also lead to his cousin.

Because I'm a masochist. And also possibly because these guys are hot. Like, OMG, hawt.

 Hmmm. Maybe there's less wrong with me than I thought.

 What about you? Got any compulsions you're not giving up anytime soon? Mad addictions to Skittles? Obsessive love of yarn? What's your crazy? Comment on the post and be entered to win a free ecopy of our choice from my backlist!


About The Author (Pre-coded): About the Author: Dee Tenorio is a sick woman. Really sick. She enjoys tormenting herself by writing romantic comedies (preferably with sexy, grumpy heroes and smart-mouthed heroines) and sizzling, steamy romances of various genres spanning dramas with the occasional drop of suspense all the way to erotic romance. But why does that make her sick? Because she truly seems to enjoy it. And she has every intention of keeping at it!

 If you would like to learn more about Dee and her work, please visit her website at

 Dee’s next book, "Trust In Me"—Book 5 in her Rancho del Cielo Romance series— releases July 23rd from Samhain Publishing.

 Back Cover Blurb: Sometimes falling in love is the easy part... A Rancho del Cielo Romance

 Locke Jackman is single, childless…and he has a bad case of empty nest syndrome. For years, as he fought tooth and nail to keep his brothers and sisters together after his parents died, his entire life was focused on his responsibilities. Now his siblings have all moved on with their lives, and there’s no one around to distract him from his overpowering attraction to his sister’s best friend. Their mutual desire is stunning…but then again, so are the secrets keeping them apart. Susie Packard’s nightmarish marriage taught her what happens when she gives in to her weakness for powerful men. Too bad the big, stoic frowner across the street—the one who sets her bells jangling just by breathing—has her in his sights. Try as she might to keep her emotional distance, Locke is determinedly knocking down all her walls. But as much as she wants to be the woman he needs, she knows better than most— passion may have its rewards, but every secret has its price.

 Warning: This book contains a hot, modern-day Viking seducing his way to the heart of his woman, a stubborn lingerie designer with a world of secrets and a very deep bathtub… Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome folks! Can't wait to see your crazy compulsions--I can't be crazy alone, lol!

