
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Giffing You For a Few Days - The Science Experiment

No, I don't know what the chemical is they're setting fire to. I'm too busy noticing the creature shooting its tentacles out in an attempt to get away.


  1. Wow - this reminds me of the "snakes" we used to buy for Fireworks Day. They were little black pellets and when you light them, they expand into snakes made of ash. I loved those things! I hadn't ever heard of them again until SouthPark did an episode where they set off the biggest one in the world (which of course destroyed the town ... and Kenny).

  2. I remember those, too! Now that you mention it, it DOES look like that. Maybe the same chemical is used. Wish there was a chemist out there who could give us the name. :)
