
Friday, October 26, 2012



Whoohoo! It's ghoulies and ghosties, and long-leggedy beasties, and things that "hump in the night"!
Okay, so I took a little creative license with the original quote. But the truth is, I'm giving away THREE prizes every day - an ebook (winner's choice), an Amazon gift card, and a Starbucks gift card - from the 26th to the 29th! And here's all you have to do. I'll post an excerpt from one of my books that has horror elements. The excerpt is taken directly from my website. Post your guess as to the name of the book the excerpt is from. I will pick 3 winners with the correct answers first. If there aren't enough correct answers, I will select from other posted guesses. In other words, you could still win, even if you don't have a correct answer!

So, here we go with the first excerpt! Tomorrow I'll post the winners and a new excerpt. Oh, and DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR COMMENT!

Good luck!
Shakily, she got to her feet and stumbled from the deck overlooking a panoramic view of Pike’s Peak. She went through the house, not minding if she left behind a trail of bloody footprints or any handprints. When the scene was finally discovered, the cops wouldn’t find anything to lead them to her. Technically, to the world, she did not exist.

She made it to the front door then out to the driveway. Del Toro’s slick little foreign import sat on the dirt turn-around, and she held the keys in her hands.

As she slid under the wheel, she caught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror. She looked tired and disheveled. So what else was new? She deliberately kept her dark hair short. It was easier to manage, and it was one less thing for jewels to grab on to during a struggle. Her eyes were blue, but there was nothing impressive about their color. Her features were ordinary and average. And smeared with gore. A fleck of green glistened above the left side of her lip. She licked it away as she gunned the engine.


  1. Hey Linda!!
    I really love your contests!!

    I think the excerpt is from Cut Glass: Jewels, the first book, Diamond.

    Thank you!

  2. I'm going with DIAMOND too.


  3. Cut Glass Jewels: Diamond!

    smurfettev AT gmail DOT Com

  4. Really cute giveaway idea! I love little hunts like this~ the excerpt is from CUT GLASS: JEWELS Book 1 - Diamond

    Thank you for the chance to win!


  5. It is definitely from CUT GLASS JEWELS book1 DIAMOND. The excerpt from chapter 1 Peridot.
