
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dear Linda

Dear Linda,

You haven't had a new book released in a while. What is your next book out? What are you working on now?

Thank you for your email! I love hearing from people who've read and enjoyed my stories. I even like the complaints!

There's been a few upheavals recently in my life. None of them bad, thank goodness. My husband and I (soon to celebrate 30 years together in January) are finally empty nesters. In addition, I was transferred to teach Pre-Kindergarten several weeks after this school year began, so that made for a rush of moving to a new room, adjusting to a different schedule and curriculum, not to mention getting to know 24 4-year-olds! But the changes in both my personal and professional lives have skewed me away from my normal routine, thus disrupting my writing.

The good news is, I don't have any deadlines hanging over my head, which means I can work on anything I damn well please. So I've been flipping back and forth between the following:

HeartStorm - book 3 of the "HeartFast" series
Runner's Moon: Yarrolam - book 5 of the "Runner's Moon" series
One Battle Lord's Fate - book 4 of the "Battle Lord" saga

In addition, I have one book currently in submission with a new publisher, and I have another brand new stand-alone already finished and awaiting edits before I submit it.

Thanks again for your email! Please don't hesitate if you have any further questions or comments!

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