
Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm Participating in the Bitten By Paranormal Romance Blog Hop, and I'll Have 3 Winners a Day!

Starting today, and going through the 16th, I'll be a part of the Bitten By Paranormal Romance Blog Hop.

Each day I'll be posting a sensuous excerpt from one of my books. All you have to do is peruse the titles and covers on the left side of my blog, and guess which book I'm quoting from in a comment. I'll make sure to give plenty of "clues" as to which book it is. ;) Don't forget to include your email addy in with your comment.

Then, on the following day, come back and see if you've won! You may enter every day, but only one vote per day, please. Even if you guess wrong, you may still be a winner!

Every day I'll be giving away an ecopy of any one of my books (winner's choice), a gift card to Amazon, and a gift card to Starbucks.

Good luck! Now, on to the first excerpt:
(Warning! PG-13 excerpt)
Once the nurses left with a departing comment that the doctor would be in to see her soon to give her her walking papers, she sat up to face him and opened her arms. Her lower lip trembled from the feel of his arms going around her, and she buried her face in the hollow of his neck as lips pressed against her forehead.

"Good morning, gorgeous." His voice echoed in his chest.

She giggled slightly. "I'm not gorgeous. My hair is a mess. I need a shower. And I bet my breath could knock an elephant to its knees."

"Mmm. Let me be the judge of that."

His mouth trapped hers, captured, and took it hostage. She surrendered, never wanting this almost perfect moment to end. Dimly she was aware of his body sitting beside hers, thigh to thigh. Slowly she could feel his hands moving up her back, parting the flimsy gown until they found her warm skin. Almost tentatively one hand began to move forward, gradually easing around her ribcage. He was going to touch her breast. There was no doubt in her mind. It was a touch she wouldn't deny him or herself as her skin tingled with anticipation.
As the rough palm cupped her, her breath caught in her throat, and he released her lips to give her the chance to object.

"If you don't want—"

"No," she hurried to tell him. "Keep touching me. Keep…"

There was fire in his touch. Fire that was shooting sparks though every nerve and muscle in her body. When his hand gently squeezed the full globe, a moan of pure want rumbled through her, surprising her with its intensity. Sparklers sizzled between her thighs.

A thumb rubbed over the nipple, making her jerk in response. He lifted his face from where he had buried it against her neck.

"Does that hurt?" His voice was hoarse. He had moved his hand away slightly.

She managed a weak smile. What she wouldn't give to be able to see his face. Taking his hand, she deliberately placed it back on her breast, letting him know she didn't want him to stop whatever delicious torture he had in mind.

Letting out a deep sigh, he dove back into the sweetness of her skin.

His thumb continued to play with her nipple until she could feel her womb clench. A surging wetness moistened her innermost core, and she trembled beneath the power of his touch. His hand moved, and he gently pinched the hard nub between thumb and forefinger.

"Oh, God."

Before the words were out of her mouth, he was gone. No, not gone, she discovered when she opened her eyes. Moved away, back to the other side of the room where his aura shone brightly. She started to ask him what was wrong when the door to her room opened and she heard at least three people enter.


  1. As usual your contests are awesome!!! I think that today's excerpt is from "Possession".

    My mail is:

    I'm coming back tomorrow!!!

  2. I think this is from Possession. Thanks for being part of the hop and having such a great giveaway!
    mawmom at gmail dot com

  3. Yay it's from Possession!
    Thank you for the giveaway!
    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. Possession?

    lindsayavalon (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. I have to agree that it's "Possession." It looks like a great book. Thanks for your giveaways!

    kesummer69 at gmail dot com

  6. Possession!


  7. I think it is Possession, though it could be Secret Identity.

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

  8. It's from Possession!!!

    Thanks so much for the hop!!!

  9. The excerpt is from POSSESSION!

    Thanks to all who submitted an answer. My winners are:

    Ebook - Kelsey Summer
    Amazon GC - Foretta
    Starbucks GC - vitajex


    Thanks for the HOP!
