
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 3 of the "Bitten By Paranormal Romance" Blog Hop

It's now Day 3 of the Bitten By Paranormal Romance Blog Hop. I will post my Friday winners shortly.

Each day I'll be posting a sensuous excerpt from one of my books. All you have to do is peruse the titles and covers on the left side of my blog, and guess which book I'm quoting from in a comment. I'll make sure to give plenty of "clues" as to which book it is. ;) Don't forget to include your email addy in with your comment.

Then, on the following day, come back and see if you've won! You may enter every day, but only one vote per day, please. Even if you guess wrong, you may still be a winner!

Every day I'll be giving away an ecopy of any one of my books (winner's choice), a gift card to Amazon, and a gift card to Starbucks.

Good luck! Now, on to the first excerpt:
(Warning! PG-13 Excerpt)

The alarm on the cell phone chimed. He was awake almost instantly, trained to come fully alert after years of undercover work. Reaching to shut it off, his hand brushed over the vibrant body lying against him. From some unknown source, a light found the diamond solitaire in the band on his hand, and his eyes were drawn to the sparkle.

If someone had told me a month ago I’d be running off to Vegas to get married, I probably would have called the state mental hospital and had them committed, he told himself.
He’d deliberately set the alarm a little early. After all, this was their honeymoon, and wouldn’t it be nicer to face the challenge of the coming day after savoring a soft giggle, a softer kiss, and the softest pair of thighs ever created on the face of the earth?

She was rolled in the sheets like a butterfly in a warm cocoon. It was an odd little habit she had, as if she was swaddling herself into a protective sheath. Pulling up onto his elbows, he bent over and began to unwrap her. As he slowly uncovered her, he placed tender kisses on the exposed skin, until he reached the center. By the time he uncovered her dimpled bellybutton, she was stretching languidly.
“Good morning.” He nuzzled the bellybutton as he eyed the thatch of pale golden silk not far from his cheek. She radiated heat. Heat and her unmistakable scent.
“Good morning,” she rumbled breathily. “Time to get up?”
He grinned. “Oh, I’m already up."

Up... rock hard... and ready.

He could hear her sharp intake of breath, then a low laugh.

“You know... I’ve yet to find out if you like to take your showers in the morning or the evening,” she commented. Her hands had found his thick, loose hair, and he closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her fingers casually running through it. It was a simple gesture, her combing his hair, but it was one of those moments he enjoyed. Once she had braided it into one thick lock down his back, taking her sweet time, until she was satisfied with the way it looked before she asked him for an eagle feather to stick in it. She couldn’t figure out why he had laughed so heartily at her request.

Giving him a little push, she added, “Of course, you like to take your baths any time that’s convenient.” Her tone of voice tickled him. It had been an experiment of his last night, to see if they could make love while she lay submerged in the warm water. For some unexplainable reason, he wanted to see if her gills reacted as she climaxed when she was breathing through them.

They did.


  1. Hello!

    It's from Aequana! I think the gills gave it away!

    My mail: pgeorgiap (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

    I love this contest!!!!

  2. I pretty sure it is AEQUANA.

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

  3. gotta go with the crowd on this on and say AEQUANA, Thank Carin
    mawmom at gmail dot com



  5. I think it's Aequana!
    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. What a great hop! This is gonna be so much FUN!!! Love that you are giving something away each day of the hop. YOU ROCK!!!!

    I think the excerpt is from Aequana.

    Thanks for being part of the 18 & Over blog hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>

  7. I will say Aequana! Thanks for the sexy hop and great giveaway!
    ehaney578 at aol dot com

  8. this is super fun, I pretty sure its from Aequana. Thx for giveaway.

    blinkysthebest at aol dot com

  9. Aequana thank you for this chance to win.
    Have a great weekend

  10. Aequana!
    Thank you so much!

  11. Aequana

  12. Aequana


  13. Thanks to everyone who left a comment. The excerpt is from AEQUANA.

    My Saturday winners are:

    Ebook - Marlene
    Amazon GC - Elizabeth H
    Starbucks GC - wanda f

    Sunday's the last day, so get your comments in! :D

  14. Gosh, i was going to say A Battle Lord's Lady, but I see everyone is voting for Aequana. I trend follower or a setter?

    nrlymrtl at gmail dot com
