
Monday, July 2, 2012

Galaxy Fest Day 4

Today was the last day of the festival. I thought I'd give you an idea what the interior of the UFO Museum was like. This is the main (central) area. The authors' display tables were set up between the partitioned areas. Each area highlights different aspects of UFOs, like crop circles, photographs, eyewitness testimonies, etc.

My favorite areas are the reinactment scenes. This one uses the actual props seen in the movie "Roswell".

The largest and most popular crowd-pleaser was this full size replica of four extraterrestrials. What you don't see is the disk above is rotating. Lights flash, and the aliens "breathe", move their heads and arms, and talk. The smoke comes from the bottom of the UFO, and this show goes off every 33 minutes.

Here's the library where some of the lectures (including mine) take place. What you're seeing is just a small part of the immense collection of books, CDs, and audio tapes.

After the museum closed for the night, and everyone was packed up to go home, the staff had a pizza and beer get-together to celebrate. I've never met or felt such comraderie with a group of people. I feel very, very lucky to have been a part of this celebration.

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