
Thursday, June 28, 2012

I Finally Arrived!

It was a 10-hr. drive that I broke into 2 days. The second day, today, was the most monotonous due to the flat terrain between here and Fort Stockton. But I've finally arrived in UFO territory! Once I signed in and got my pass, I went to check in at my hotel and to find a place to eat. Afterwards I went back to the museum after it had closed. Staff was setting up tables and getting ready. I unpacked my books and got my booth finished, as the festival begins at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning!

The Roswell newspaper and my pass. The city has its own UFO Fest, that runs in conjunction with the museum's.

I couldn't resist getting a picture of the Guest Author board. The museum used to be an old theater, so a lot of the advertising is in the huge glass windows where movie posters went.  Can you spot me?

A quick stop at a local grocery store for some candy (to put in the bowl at my table), and I'm ready to call it a day.

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