
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Galaxy Fest Day 2

Aliens, aliens, everywhere! It's not enough that you see aliens on signs and painted on buildings, not to mention people dressed up as aliens (although my favorite were those people wearing aluminum hats a la "Signs"). But even Coke machines bear familiar faces.

It was busier today, natch. The museum's staffers were wonderful. They even got their kids to help run errands, including asking the authors and vendors if they would like water, etc. This is the bottle I was handed. At the bottom of the lable it says, "Preferred by Aliens in All Galaxies."

Of course, once you reach downtown, the street lamps are aliens. And this is everyday, not just for the festival.

After the museum closes for the night, the festivities aren't over. There's still panel discussions, mostly about abductions and recent sightings. The city had an alien parade down Main Street. And, of course, you get to see things that are considered "par for the course".  I'm going to try to get some of those pics for tomorrow.

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