
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Whipped Cream Reviews Loves THE TUB!

Amanda Storey has been sent to Itsy to convince the town a Ritecost store is just what they need.

I have to admit this was my first time reading erotic horror and after finishing this story I’ll definitely be looking for more and more stories by this author.

This story opens quickly and the author does a great job at offering the ‘something’s creepy’ about Itsy that all good horror stories require. You know something bad will befall Amanda, and you feel more uneasy as the story progresses. By the time she arrives at the bed and breakfast you know she’s not checking out, but what exactly will happen to her? The author made it so entertaining that I wanted to read on. Her demise is the erotic part of this story, and there’s no man involved so it might not be for die hard romance fans. The dialogue is natural sounding, sometimes witty and the characters well drawn.

If, like me, you want to try reading erotic horror, this is a good pick.

~ Reviewed by Stephantois, Whipped Cream Erotic Reviews

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