
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Check out Layla Hunter's Free Read This Week!

Check out Layla Hunter's Free read this week over at the Truly Madly Deeply Romance Authors blog!  It's based on the song "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" by Cage the Elephant.


Music has always been an important part of my life and there isn't a day that goes by we don't have some type of music on in our house. I remember the day my daughter asked me (okay, harassed me mercilessly until I relented) to listen to Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage the Elephant. No doubt it is a song that is fun, funky and easy to sing along to. And we did; about a dozen times! *laughs*

Knowing I had to choose a song for TMDRA, I was torn between this one and another but as Fate would decree, I was meant to write this story.

Of course, as I always do, I had to look up the lyrics. When I read through them, I realized that although the song was 'fun' to listen to and sing along with, there was a message within that held true to today's current state of affairs. We all have bills to pay and mouths to feed and sometimes, we are forced to pursue options we would have otherwise never considered in order to keep a roof over our family's heads or food on the table.

I've never been one to judge, nor would I want to be judged. We all have our own 'code of honor' we live by and make choices that fit within those boudaries; boundaries which can sometimes become blurred and are pushed to the limit in these uncertain times.

If each one of us took a moment to reach out to one person, imagine the impact we'd make on the world.

Enter Sarah and Sam. The story of Sarah (aka Sherry) and Sam began last year with a two part story published at Every Night Erotica entitled "Whisper Sweet Nothings: Something about Sam." My story for TMDRA is a continuation of that first story, but it also stands alone. If you'd like to discover how it all began for Sarah and Sam, you can read their story for free at

Rated – R - Some adult themes, activities, language or other elements may be present.
Genre - Contemporary
Heat Level - Sensual

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