
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Authors, Here's Your Chance!

Dear Copyright Advocates:


You may have heard that the U.S. Copyright Office is in the process of hiring a new Register of Copyrights. The former Register of Copyrights, Marybeth Peters, retired in December, and Maria Pallante has been appointed to be the Acting Register of Copyrights during the search process. For more information about the Register of Copyrights and Maria Pallante, click here.

The Copyright Alliance has been engaging in many discussions with Maria about the important role that the Copyright Office plays in our society, and how all creators rely on the Copyright Office to be a strong advocate for artists' rights. We have also encouraged the Office to select a candidate that has an appreciation of the history of copyright, a deep understanding of copyright law and strong commitment to the principles of copyright enacted by Congress and interpreted by Courts. *SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS*

Maria Pallante is giving us a unique opportunity to provide the Copyright Office with thoughts from artists about the important role of copyright and the Copyright Office in our society.

*I will be compiling all of your thoughts and input into one document and passing it on to Maria. So, please send me ( your thoughts by Monday, March 14, 2011.*

I know you all are so busy, but a sentence or two (or more) from you would be most helpful. So, if you feel so inclined, please follow these simple steps:

- *Jot down your ideas.* You may want to comment on:

- The importance of copyright in your life;

- That it is important for the Copyright Office to hire someone who is willing to understand and advocate for the creative community.

- *Remind the Copyright Office* that the viewpoints and actions of pro-piracy groups affect creation, innovation, and the economy. Tell the Office that you disagree with these groups who:

- Seem to represent illegal downloaders;

- Advocate that all artists should give their works away for free (and find another way to make money);

- Oppose practical piracy solutions from the creative community;

- Insist that consumers' opinions on artists' rights are more important than creators' perspectives on artists' rights.

- *Also include* your name, type of artist/creator, city, state, and your email address or other contact information -- if it's okay for the Copyright Office to contact you directly should it so desire.

- *Email your thoughts* to me, Lucinda, at

- *Meet the deadline* of Monday, March 14, 2011.

Thanks for taking a moment to weigh in on this important issue. You all are so helpful in advancing the voice of the entire creative community. Please feel free to spread the word of this request.


Lucinda Dugger
*Director of Outreach*


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(Thanks, Rie!)

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