
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Summer Vacation Plans

Every other year or so I go on a private vacation - by myself.  Yep, just me, myself, and I.  I've been to Maine twice, to Vermont, and most recently to Massachusetts.  Other than the ability to go to sleep when I'm ready, get up when I'm ready, eat when I'm hungry, and shop when and where I want to, these few days on my own recharge my batteries.  And many times I'm able to use what I encounter and incorporate that information in my books (and that makes the vacations a tax write-off!)

I'd love to go to New Mexico this year.  Rather than take a plane and rent a car, I'd planned on driving my own vehicle, take in Carlsbad and Santa Fe, and generally take up a week for the whole trip.

Unfortunately, with the way gas prices are rising, I'm wondering if I should drop my plans.  Looking further, if I don't go this summer, will it cost more to go a later year?

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