
Sunday, January 30, 2011

An Unexpected Review, and a Good Cry

Few things are dearer to an author than to get a review for a book that's been out for a while.  What's more, it showed up unexpectedly on All Romance eBooks, and after reading it, I had tears in my eyes.

Reader Reviews (1)
Submitted By: Merle7979 on Jan 28, 2011
This book was amazing! Compared to some other stories, this one is fully developed and really knows how to hook the reader so they're crying at the end for the book ending. The theme is so unique with a futuristic, medieval setting that makes it believable. Everyone should read this book!

A brief history about my Battle Lord saga...

I wrote the story back in 2000.  Subsequently, I put it away, thinking it was no good, hiding it like I'd done all my other works.  When hubby finally gave me the courage to submit it, I made the mistake of sending it to Publish America.  Yes, it was finally published, but for $29.95, it never sold.  When PA finally sold me back my rights (yes, that's correct, I had to buy my rights back for $99, plus a handling charge), I felt the book was too old to submit it elsewhere, so I self-published it.  I never expected it to sell as well as it has been, much less garner any further reviews (I got one, way back when it was with PA.)

Currently, there are two more finished sequels, a fourth in the works, a fifth outlined, and a trilogy set in the same "universe" planned.  I hope they do as well, but for the moment, I'm just thrilled Atty and Yulen's story is finally being read.  And enjoyed.

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