
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Reading a PDF on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad

I've had a couple of readers comment on the fact that my new release is PDF only, and they don't want to have to read it on their home computers.

Here's what you can do.  Go to the App Store and download the BLUEFIRE reader.  (It's free.)
- Now, plug in your iPhone/Pad/Pod. 
- When iTunes kicks in, go to DEVICES and click on your device.
- Go to Apps.
- Scroll down.  You'll see the Bluefire app there. Click on it.
- Now, open your computer and find the PDF of the book you want to read.  Click, drag, and drop into the Bluefire Documents folder.  Voila!

Let the iDevice finish syncing, then you can open it, go to your Bluefire reader and click it on.  The pdf will be there to read!

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