
Monday, October 11, 2010

Paranormal Romance Author Robin Badillo is my Guest Tonight on Blog Talk Radio

Paranormal romance author Robin Badillo is my guest tonight on Other Worlds of Romance on Blog Talk Radio.   She will be reading from her newest release RETRIBUTION.

The show begins at 11 pm et/10 central.

Don't miss it!
Robing says, "I am a native Texas, born and reared in Montgomery, County.

The mother of four great, talented and exceptional kids, I'm no stranger to sleepless nights, occasional bald spots and understanding the importance of a well planned bubble bath.

I began writing very young, but life got in the way and the need for a "real" job took priority in my life.

In the summer of 2006, my husband of fifteen years suddenly died in his sleep of a massive coronary at the age of forty-one, leaving me behind at thirty-six to finish the task we set out to accomplish together--raising a family.

With no real training or skills beyond managing a household and raising children, I decided life was too short not to enjoy whatever path I walked down, so I opened my laptop and started writing.

That was nearly two years ago and my first novel released this October 1st.

I'm still learning the craft. I read, research and ask questions of anyone who even looks like they might know something about anything.

Each day brings me one step closer to becoming the writer I aspire to be. I have a long way to go, but at least I'm doing something I love and growing with leaps and bounds.

Someday I hope to look back and be able to say... 'You did good', bad grammar and all."

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