
Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Haz a Dilemma

I have this great idea for a story.  It's an erotic sci-fi romance.  The only problem is, it's a menage.  As Linda Mooney, all my books thus far have been straight m/f romances.  This new idea (and it's a humdinger) doesn't have m/m or f/f, but let's just say there's more than "one partner".

So here's my question.  Do I write it under Linda Mooney, or do I assume another pseudonym?

1 comment:

  1. With your regular sci-fi considered an erotic level, I'd say use the same name. People will know by the blurb that's it's menage. Besides, we all know what a headache it is to develop a new writing persona.
