
Monday, September 20, 2010

Guest Author Brynna Curry Performs Magic Tonight on Blog Talk Radio

After one of his cases turns out not to his liking, Special Agent Gabriel Spiller is taking some much needed time away from work, reevaluating his position with the FBI. All of the death threats he’s received since the “not guilty” verdict haven’t helped much, either. He lost his partner, Serena Roarke while searching for some missing diamonds and now her sister, Leannan has found him.

Leannan O’Neal hears her dead sister, Serena, tell her that if she was ever in trouble, find Gabriel to protect her. Leannan is a school teacher in a small town, with a boring life, but finds herself on the run and knows that she must trust her sister, in order to survive the villain’s threats. Lea ends up helping Gabe in a shootout but killing someone affects her in a negative way. It’s not something she normally does, and having to do it is not sitting well with her.


Paranormal romance author and reviewer, Brynna Curry is a life long believer in the importance of reading. She enjoys the writing process and helping others hone their craft whether by reviewing published novels, critiquing raw manuscripts or serving as a contest judge. When she isn't writing Brynna enjoys spending time with her children at the park and local library. She makes her home in the Deep South with her husband, son, two daughters, and their redbone hound Diablo.

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