
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Review for My Horror Novella, CODE 30

I just got this wonderful review for my horror novella CODE 30 (which I write under the name Gail Smith) from Manic Readers. I'm only posting part of it, but including the link if you want to check out the whole thing. Warning - the review includes graphic content.


"There were twists and turns, and situations I didn’t see coming. The horror in this story was spine tingling. I can’t even begin to explain how Ms. [Smith] described so well and so fluidly the acts and deprivations that occurred. There was sadness in this story, but don’t get me wrong, this was 100% horror city.

Well done Ms. [Smith], I hope every horror fans takes a look at Code 30 because it is so worth it!"

Reviewed by Claudia, Manic Readers

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