
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Coming June 15th, My First Ever Wolf/Shifter Novel! And You Could Win a Copy!

Well, if you don't know by now, my next book is due to be released Tuesday, June 15th. FROM OUT OF THE SHADOWS is an erotic paranormal/fantasy romance novel coming from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid.  And I will be giving away FOUR copies! Here's how you might win one!

1. Monday night, June 14th, from 11-11:30 pm est (10 pm cst), I will be reading an excerpt from my book at Blog Talk Radio on Other Worlds of Romance. Afterwards, I'll choose someone from the chat room to win a copy. You can get there at

2. On Tuesday the 15th, I will be having a chat on the LoveRomancesCafe eloop from 6-10 pm est. During that time I'll be giving away a copy.

3. On Tuesday the 15th, someone from my eloop list (Linda Mooney's Other Worlds of Romance) will win a copy. If you want you name to go in the hat and you're not a member, just join!  You can join below on the right-hand side, or go to my website and join at the box about midway down the front page.  Then all you have to do is email me on the loop and ask to be placed in the hat!

and finally

4. I'll be on Tilly Greene's Big Huge Reader Contest Blog on Wednesday the 16th. You can reach it here  All you have to do is comment that day, and I'll pick one of the comments as the winner!

Good Luck!  And thanks for participating!

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