
Monday, May 24, 2010

Tonight I'm Hosting N. K. Jemisin on Blog Talk Radio!

Come listen tonight as I host N. K. Jemisin on Other Worlds of Romance at Blog Talk Radio!

Show begins at 11 pm est!

* * *
N(ora). K. Jemisin is an author of speculative fiction (science fiction and fantasy) short stories and novels who lives and writes in Brooklyn, NY. In addition to writing, she is a counseling psychologist (currently
specializing in career counseling), a sometime hiker and biker, and a political/feminist/anti-racist blogger.

Her short fiction has been published in pro markets such as Clarkesworld, Postscripts, Strange Horizons, and Baen’s Universe; podcast markets and print anthologies; and has received Honorable Mentions in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror and The Year’s Best Science Fiction. Her short story “Non-Zero Probabilities” is on the Final Ballot for the 2009 Nebula and Hugo Awards.

Her first novel, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, is out from Orbit Books as of February 2010. It is the first book of the Inheritance Trilogy, and has thus far received starred reviews from Publisher's Weekly, Library Journal, and a TOP PICK from Romantic Times.

(Click on the picture to get a better glimpse of this gorgeous cover!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda -- is there anything in particular I need to do (software to download, etc), or will you call me?
