
Monday, April 26, 2010

Tonight, I'm hosting Linnea Sinclair!

This week I'm hosting Romantic Times Convention authors, and tonight I'm delighted to have Linnea Sinclair reading an excerpt from one of her sci-fi romance novels on Other Worlds of Romance over at Blog Talk Radio.  Show time is at 11 pm est.  And the call-in number is (646) 727-2932.  After her reading, we'll open up the microphones to callers, and she'll also answer questions from the chat room.  So join us! 

A former news reporter and retired private detective, Linnea Sinclair writes award-winning, fast-paced science fiction romance for Bantam Dell, including Finders Keepers, Gabriel’s Ghost, Games of Command, Hope’s Folly and her latest bestseller, Rebels and Lovers. Her books have won or finaled in the RITA, Sapphire, PEARL, Prism, and other regional and national contests. Sinclair is also a John W. Campbell Award nominee. When not on duty with some intergalactic fleet—or playing human slave to her spoiled felines—you can visit her at

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