
Monday, November 9, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to the Con...and Back, Part 4

Saturday morning was a quick Continental breakfast, followed by panel discussions. These started out with intros of each person on the panel, followed by Q and As from the audience. I am always appreciative of authors who get up in front of a crowd of strangers and allow their readers to nit-pick about a particular book.

After lunch came the book signing. The book store, per se, had been open since registration, allowing con goers to peruse and buy at will. This was their chance to get the authors to personally autograph them. I had brought MY STRENGTH, LORD OF THUNDER, and PASSION OF THUNDER to the book store, and that's what I was seeing come across my table -- until one person handed me a copy of RUNNER'S MOON: JEBARAL. I choked up and almost lost it. It's one thing to buy a book at a con and have the author sign it. It's a whole 'nother thing to find out that a reader had gone to all the trouble to pack a different book and bring it with them.

To that reader, I don't remember your name. Please forgive me. But thank you! And know that your simple gesture meant the world to me. In fact, it practically made my whole con-going experience!

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