
Monday, September 28, 2009

PASSION OF THUNDER Gets a Recommended Read from FAR!

Passion of Thunder continues the story of Annie and Rion from where Lord of Thunder left off, with their tumultuous trip through an inter-dimensional rift between Earth and Rion's home world of Parra.

On Parra, iridescent flowers color the pristine land and orange lightning splits the storm clouds. Crystalline and obsidian towers soar majestically into an orange sky dominated by a red giant and a smaller glowing white sun very much like Earth's. Although the people are enlightened and the society advanced, the angel-like people of Parra possess no cars, electricity or telephones. They fly or walk wherever they go. They communicate using messengers and light their world with candles and lanterns. Parra is an environmentalist's dream, it's residents progressive, free-thinking and tolerant. Most are fascinated by Annie, Rion's "wingless wonder," but there are those who refuse to accept an "otherworlder" residing among them. They resent Annie and conspire to destroy her marriage to Rion, devastate their lives and ruin their children's futures. It will take all the strength and determination Rion and Annie posses to confront the hurdles raised before them and to battle the jealousy and hatred that will ultimately drive an angel to murder.

While Passion of Thunder could be considered a stand-alone novel, I highly recommend reading Lord of Thunder first as a lead-in to the beginning of this book. Passion begins a bit slow and without the impetus of book one, the reader could very well make the huge mistake of putting this book down before the plot picks up pace. And believe me, it does, flowing as smoothly as warm butter from one chapter to the next and from one situation to another. Throughout the story, I felt as if I were in a symbiotic relationship with Annie, enjoying her good times and suffering along with her through the bad. The powerful and sensual sex scenes between Annie and Rion add a deep, abounding passion to their devoted relationship. Rion's commitment to Annie drew me to him more than any fictional hero ever has. I will be waiting anxiously for the December 15th release of Wings of Thunder, the third and final book in this exceptional one-of-a-kind series by Linda Mooney.

Reviewed by: Merrylee

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