
Saturday, August 8, 2009

What Is In My To-Be-Read Pile?

Absolutely nada.




Slowly but surely I have plowed my way through a Lora Leigh and a Stephen King that had been sitting on my iPhone. Now I'm sitting with nothing to read.

Bereft? Not really. I buy a lot of horror magazines (Rue Morgue, Fangoria, Gorezone, etc.) and read them while I soak in my new soaker tub. (Note: I sell these 'zines very cheaply when I'm done. Just check my horror blog

But now I'm in the mood for something in the romance genre. Suggestions anyone? I'm especially interested in something from e-pubs.


  1. How do you get through all you TBR? I don't have enough hours in my day. Course, doesn't help that I must have over 200 in print, and 100 in e-book to read. And I keep adding to it.

    I love Lora Leigh. Have your tried Christine Feehan or Sherilyn Keenyon? Not sure if they have e-pub.

  2. I think I might have a couple of books on my old ereader. I have to check. But between my day job and writing at night, I don't have as much time to read as I'd like to. When I do get the chance, it's usually when I'm traveling.

    I've think I've tried Feehan and Kenyon, but it's been a few years. I'm not real big into vampire stories, but I've heard so much about the Black Dagger Brotherhood, I might give one of those a try.

    Thanks for the suggestion! :D

  3. I need an e-reader. Not exactly in my price range, till I get a new job. Do you hav any suggestions?

    Christine also has some non-vampire series: Ghostwalkers and Drake Sisters.

    Also, MaryJanice Davidson was a werewolf series, and a mermaid series

    And Sherrilyn has some Were-hunter books, not so vampire centered.

    Now, back to reading one of my TBR books

  4. Leslie,

    I have a Sony and an eBookwise reader (from Fictionwise). I read my ebooks on my iPhone. LOL! The reason? Convenience - phone, internet, email, Twitter, and e-reader all in one. And I can boost the font for these old eyes to read comfortably. :D
