
Thursday, August 20, 2009

WANTED: AN AGENT for my Dark Urban Fantasy Romance that's not "the usual".

For the past few months I've been reading blogs and emails from people who are tired of urban fantasies that call themselves romances, when they're not romances.

Mine is definitely a romance. Yes, it's erotic.

These readers are saying they're tired of the same old werewolves and vampires.

Not a vamp or werewolf/wolf shifter in mine.

Readers are saying they want a strong heroine, not a whiney one. A girl who can kick butt. And they want the hero to accept her as his equal.

My heroine tracks and kills infected serial killers. The hero is a cop who was tracking her.

Readers say they like series.

Cut Glass is a planned 4-book series. The hero and heroine are prominent in all of them. Book 1, Diamond, is 79K words. Book 2, Ruby, is outlined, as is also Book 3, Emerald, and Book 4, Opal.

So, what's the problem? I don't know. I get several people who ask to see the whole manuscript, but after a while I get the rejection "It's not what we're looking for."

Which leaves me scratching my head. Glass is not the usual urban fantasy, which is what I understand readers want - ie. something new, something different. Are publishers still wanting the "same old same old"?

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