
Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Great Beach Read! Intimate Flames by Annette Snyder

Most families have many relationships within the family itself. Intimate Flames, my newest release and very first contemporary romance, centers on just that. A young woman named Bradie Carpenter finds herself alone and pregnant after the sudden death of her boyfriend, Grant Blain, sole heir to his family fortune. This story chronicles changes in Bradie’s self-esteem after Grant’s death, the birth of her child and finally meeting of a wonderful man and family who accept her for who she is. Reading Intimate Flames, you’ll meet many of Andrew ‘Amen’ Packard’s siblings and learn how each person involved in the lives of Amen and Bradie have a positive impact on their lives. With this novel, you’ll discover a hero and heroine who learn to let love and trust into their hearts again. It’s a gratifying romance which begins and ends on Independence Day.

Since Intimate Flames circles my favorite holiday, Fourth of July, and I love the sun, the beach and everything hot, as my thanks to Linda for having me, I’m offering a wonderful summer prize package. Just leave a comment for your chance to win a beach tote, big enough for all your summer supplies, a bottle of sunscreen to protect you from the harmful rays of the sun and an autographed copy of Intimate Flames, the perfect Summer romance read!

You can pick up your copy of Intimate Flames at the publishers site or visit my website for more information on my work. Once you’re there, don’t forget to check out my Event’s page. You find the latest information about an online, monthly book club I host called Lost in a Good Book at Writers and Readers of Distinctive Fiction. Thanks for stopping by and I’m wishing you time this summer season to enjoy many picnics and days at the beach or pool with your family.

Post a comment, and you could win a copy of this book!

Annette Snyder-Novelist
Viveka's War--Available Now
Intimate Flames releasing July 2009
Lost in a Good Book--WRDF Book Club


  1. Thanks for having me today! What a holiday treat!

  2. Congratulations Annette!. I am captivated with your new release which is simply lovely. What great characters and an excellent story. What entices me also is a beach which I love and long for each and every summer. The sand, sun and ocean weaves a spell. Again, much success and happy summer.

  3. I also love the beach and the water. its a great place to be on a hot day!

  4. wow sounds like a very interesting book.


  5. This sounds like a very good read with great characters. Since I live in the south, I love the sun and water. Even though it is quite hot right now here!!

  6. Love the description of your book! It sounds like a touching story and a perfect one to take to the beach!

  7. This would be a good beach read but I would enjoy it just as much at home.


  8. Congratulations to Judy! I put all the blogger names in a hat and picked you to receive the prize package! Please email me at with something in the subject line that identifies you and I'll get all the particulars to mail your package!
    Thanks for visiting and thanks to Linda Mooney for having me!

  9. This looks like an outstanding read. I've definitely put it on my to be read list

  10. Enjoyed reading the comments. I am always looking for different authors to read. I have included this book on my TBR list but winning it would be nice.
    Happy July Fourth-GO FREEDOM


  11. Looks like a fabulous read !!!

  12. congrats Annette the book sounds awesome ! i agree it has me captivated i wanna know what happends
