
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hooray! WCPT Has Contracted RUNNER'S MOON: CHALLA!

YAYYYY! Whiskey Creek Press Torrid has contracted RUNNER'S MOON: CHALLA! This book is #4 in my "Runner's Moon" series, and will be released in 2010.
She was one of thirty-one aliens who escaped the slave ship where she had been kept captive for all of her life. Now she could live a quiet, peaceful existence on Earth, free from pain and misery. Or so she had hoped until the fateful night when she was caught in her true form. From that moment, Challa the Alien Girl became one of Lawson Hall’s best draws to his traveling sideshow carnival.

Compton Scott didn’t believe in aliens. He had enough on his plate without having to worry about being dragged out to some two-bit circus. Still, he got a kick out of the little freak show featuring the woman dressed in a green costume. But once he got home, she began to haunt his dreams and every waking minute.

It wasn’t long before Compton discovered the truth about the alien woman and his growing feelings for her. Unfortunately, Lawson Hall wasn’t about to give up his bread and butter without a fight.

Neither were the Arra.
I'll post more information as I receive it.

Stay tuned!


  1. Hooray So happy for you and for me LOL I cannot wait to get my hands on it. It sounds great another best seller I am sure.
    Congrats Melanie

  2. And I say it again....


  3. I'm so glad that you're continuing the Runner's Moon series!

    Linda (waving to you from Hawaii)
