
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pre-Judging a Book By Its Genre - DON'T!

I've been reading a lot of twits on Twitter recently, and holding my tongue. I've also been reading other blogs regarding books of a particular genre, and biting my lips to keep from responding.

Well, this is my blog, and the gloves are off. That being done, all I have to say is:

Do Not Judge A Book By Its Genre!

I write sci-fi romances. I've lost count of the number of people, especially reviewers, who have written to tell me that they 1) normally don't like sci-fi romances, especially erotic ones, or 2) will read them, but have pretty much figured they were all the same. But then they read something of mine, and have all their preconceived notions blown out of the water.

Plain and simple, I write the stories I want to read. I have probably read three or four sci-fi romances in my lifetime. Yeah, I know that what I write is nothing like them, but I never wanted to emulate or imitate them. Take the sex out of my books, and you'll still have a loving romance, characters you'll care about, suspense, action, angst, and an HEA.

So if you are not a fan of sci-fi romances, still give one of mine a chance. Just one, that's all I ask. Don't put on blinders and lump every writer's books into the same pile. The GENRE may be the same, but our voices are totally different. And - who know? - you may end up adding sci-fi romances to your TBB/TBR pile. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Ruth! That's very sweet of you, and I do enjoy every comment left, even if it's just to say "hi". :D
