
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Poll for March

What got you to buy an e-book for the first time?

Please check out my new poll and let me know what led you to buy your first e-book.



  1. I was running out of storage space for my books so I finally broke down and bought the Amazon Kindle last year. I currently have 71 books on my Kindle and I love it!


  2. LOL! Then it was a matter of necessity! Thanks for the comment! :D

  3. The first one I actually bought (as opposed to got a contributor's copy) was Kiernan Kelley's "Change of Heart." The idea of a werewolf veterinarian appealed to me like no other story had.

  4. My first ebook was because I was hired as a reviewer and it was sent to me. I loved it and have been buying them since. My house does not have the room for too many print books so ebooks are a great attraction for me and my family.


  5. Jena,

    I didn't know you used to be a reviewer. Wow, kudos to you, girl! :D

  6. I met an author online and her books were ebooks only at that time. So I bought one and the rest is history. LOL

  7. I got my first Ebook when I became a reviewer. I currently have well over 100 ebooks, and am looking to purchase a reader this summer. I love the fact that with a reader I can bring as many books as I wish with me. I travel for work, I work for Coleman Brothers Shows out of Middletown, Ct. It is a carnival, so I have limited space to keep books with me. This gives me the space for as many books as I can possibly want. I am also looking to transfering alot of my print books to ebooks and just keeping the authors that I purchase hardback books for.

  8. I started purchasing ebooks in the 1990s. I wanted futuristic romances or science fiction romances and the mainstream publishers were not publishing enough.

  9. LJ friend was published - Bad Case Of Loving you by Laney Cairo. So I discovered Torquere Press ...
    I buy both ebooks and pb's (far too many of both for my Visa balance).

  10. I won several e-books...pdf formats. They were hard to read on my computer as it is my work computer and even though I can take it home it isn't easy to carry to bed or the sofa like a paper back. THEN in January this year I WON a Kindle which finally arrived last week. So then I actually purchased one kindle version. In expectation of the Kindle I did buy several more e-books in February as part of contests. AND I just finished reading my third book on the Kindle! It is great to be able to read them at home and to listen while I am getting ready in the morning. (As long as you don't mind the mechanical reader -- an Audible it is not!)
