
Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm now the proud parent of an EBOOKWISE! :)

Happy Days are Here Again!

I'm now the proud parent of an EBOOKWISE!

Back when Sony first introduced its e-reader, I was delighted to get one for Christmas. From then on my delight went downhill. No matter what Sony promised, the font was too small for me to read. Even boosted to LARGE, I had a difficult time getting these 50+-year-old eyes to see the e-ink. Inasmuch, I pretty well let the Sony collect dust, and continued to read my e-books on the computer. (Which is damn hard, considering I just spent how many hours in front of the monitor, writing?)

Anyhoo, BIG THANK YOUS go out to Betty Hanawa for showing me her EBOOKWISE while we were doing a Texas ARF book signing at BOOKS INK in Portland last February. I took her sales pitch with a grain of salt, then when I got home, scoped it out online.

EBOOKWISE is from the people who own Fictionwise. I got the Top of the Line Model for $135.95 (+ shipping, natch). $135.95! And this is what this lovely little darlin' includes:

* The whole thing is just 7 in. x 5 in. The screen is a bit larger than 3x4.5 in. Think paperback book size. And fits nicely in a purse or large pocket.
* It's backlit!
* It has an "automatic shut-off" feature.
* It needs just 2 hrs. to fully charge (battery is included, not extra).
* And runs for 11 hrs. before needing to recharge.
* AND THE FONT IS READABLE! Think 12 pt. Times font.
* Plus it'll hold approx. 80 ebooks. (64 MB internal memory) Yes, there's a slot for a memory chip if you want to get one for it.
* It weighs 2 lbs.
* It comes with its own leatherette carrying case (no extra charge).

It can do more, but I just got this baby in the mail Friday, and I'm still checking the manual. If you want to know more, check it out here.


  1. Congrats!

    I got one for Christmas. I've been using it, not as much as I'd hoped, but I haven't been reading like a fiend either. I have read more of my online purchases, instead of letting them sit on the 'puter.

    I love the battery life and the backlight. The only drawback has been the conversion train because I have so many PDF books.

  2. Congrats Linda - I knew how you hated the issues with the Sony.

    Hope this one works well for you. Let us know how you get on with it.


  3. I've had an ebookwise for a few years now and I LOVE it!!! So easy to use, easy to read on, handy, it's GREAT!!!!

