
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dear Linda: Regarding HeartFast and HeartCrystal

I'm getting emails coming in from reviewers and readers asking about a third sequel, or at least a book 3, to the HeartFast/HeartCrystal series.

Insofar, here are some of the "loose threads" people are wanting to see "tied up" (no real spoilers below):

* The son.

* The daughter's powers.

* How they raise two kids with out-of-control powers.

* The pirates. How they stop them.

* Commander's relationship with Devorah. How that comes about. (This one was mentioned several times.)

* The kid who looked through the window in the first novel and swore he would become a Guardian.

* Destiny and her predictions. What's her story? Her background with the large silver eyes.

* And what about the details of Star's background? What lead to her leaving home? When did she know she had powers?

* And more background on the Guardians. How did they get started?

Dang it! Now you've got me to thinking! LOL! Don't be surprised if you see something pop up soon in my WIP section on my website, or on this blog.

(Thanks to Jo for the nudge. Or is that a thwack with a rolled-up newspaper? LOL!)

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