
Monday, February 16, 2009

For the Love of Reading - A Sequel/Prequel Worth Mentioning

If you loved Somewhere in Time like I did, try to find a copy of this book.

Memoirs of Elise
by David Gurnee

"This sequel/prequel to Somewhere in Time was inspired by the movie's poignant opening scene. In this scene Elise McKenna sits alone in the darkness waiting for her opportunity to give a young playwright, Richard Collier, a watch, and to utter the enigmatic words, "Come back to me." The underlying emotion of the scene, and possibly of the entire film, comes from the fact that she had been waiting for this day for sixty years!"

"A book with uncommon and stunning beauty......that will carry on the rare and brilliant passion of SOMEWHERE IN TIME."

"What had Elise been through in those sixty years?
How did she discover where Richard Collier had come from?
How did she find him?
Memoirs of Elise answers these questions in a manner that is loyal to the original story.
Come back to me! "

From WindTime Publications

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