
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

For the Love of Reading - Dealing With Overcrowded Bookshelves

What do you do?

Do you have a bookshelf that looks like mine -- books stacked and jammed in, and balanced any way you can?

What do you do when the shelves can hold no more? Do you pack up boxes of them and ship them off to resell? Or do you donate them to a local library?

What if they're books you just can't get rid of because you love them so much, you plan to go back and re-read them again later?

What books do you keep on your bookshelves? Are they on your TBR (to be read) list, or Keepers?

Any suggestions, insights, and tips will be appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I give them to another teacher, who reads them, then donates them to the library.

    Another suggestion is doctor waiting rooms.
