
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Romance Studio Loved HEARTFAST

Guardians. A group of men and women with special powers and abilities. Their job is to protect the people of their world.

Because of a disastrous event in the past that resulted in sterilizing much of the past and present population, the governing body created the HandFast lottery. They have certain specifications they use to pick the couples and the ultimate result is for each woman to produce a child.

Because of the danger involved in their daily missions, the Guardians have been exempted from the HandFast. Not this year. Word is out that at least one of the Guardians is going to be named.

Surprise! Two of them are to be HandFasted to each other. Imagine the shock when StarLight aka Terrin DiLyric and Master Hunter aka Udo Vosstien find out they are one of the couples to be HandFasted.

Linda Mooney has created this fantastic world where superheroes are more than someone hiding their identity so they can go out and save the world. The Guardians are portrayed as being like regular people except they have special powers and abilities.

Star and Hunter are one of the best couples I've met this year. Star is a young woman from another planet who has not had the best of lives. Made to feel like a misfit because of her powers, she leaves her home world and eventually joins up with the Guardians. Still, she finds it hard to let any of her new teammates see her 'real' self.

Hunter grew up in a different world. He has two parents and one brother. He basically had as normal a childhood as a person possibly could have.

I loved watching these two come together and try to build a life together while still doing their jobs as Guardians. Hunter is so gentle yet firm with Star that it brought tears to my eyes.

Still, the main question is who entered Star & Hunter in the lottery in the first place and why? The answer may surprise you.

Reviewer: Diane Mason
January 12, 2009

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