
Friday, January 9, 2009

My New Bathroom - BEFORE

Santa is bringing me a new bathroom, and the work began today.

What you're looking at is the MASTER BATHROOM. Yep. That's it. All of it. That's what I've been putting up with ever since Jim and I bought this house in '89. Notice that the SINGLE sink is IN THE BEDROOM. Just the tub/shower and toilet are in the "bathroom". Also note that the toilet is such that, if you're sitting on it, YOU CANNOT SHUT THE DOOR. There's no room. Your knees are in the way. (You should have heard the contractor's remark when he saw it!) In addition, if you are lying in the tub, trying to get a good soak, you can rest your elbows on the toilet lid.

On the other side of the mirror is the second bathroom, which is twice the size of the master bath. It currently has two sinks, a tub/shower, and enough room to house two small dogs when company is over. :)

The contractor is going to remove both sinks, and make it a single vanity. The toilet is being moved "over", and the tub/shower becoming a single four-foot walk-in shower. In the Master Bath, the tub/shower will be replaced with a six-foot depth tub (no, no whirlpool or jacuzzi 'cause you can't use bath salts or bubblies in them), and the toilet moved far back so that the door no longer interferes. ;)

This project is expected to take 3 weeks.

Stay tuned! :D


  1. Wow.... And I thought my bathroom was small.

    Can't wait to see the new one!

  2. Same here, I thought my bathroom was tiny!! We need pics when it's done!!
